Buffalo Pro Bindii & Clover Hose-on – 2L
Buffalo Pro Bindii & Clover Hose-on – 2L effectively kills weeds in an easy hose-on application. It is used for controlling Bindii, Capeweed, Clovers, Cudweed, Dandelion, docks, Lamb Tongue (Plantain), Thistles and Wireweed in most lawns including Buffalo lawns.
How to use
Avoid applying in windy conditions, or if rain is expected within 24 hours.
Don’t apply if shade temperatures are expected to exceed 30ºC within a 72 hour period.
Never apply when soil is dry and the lawn is suffering from moisture stress.
Don’t mow or fertilise for 7 days before or after application.
Can be used on the following: Established buffalo, couch (including Qld blue couch), kikuyu, bent, fescue, paspalum and ryegrass lawns.
Weeds Controlled: Bindii, capeweed, catsear, clovers, creeping buttercup, creeping oxalis, cudweed, dandelion, lamb’s tongue (plantain), thistles, fleabane.
Application Rate: Apply the contents of the bottle over 100 square metres.
How to Apply
Before applying the product, make sure you measure the area of your lawn. When weeds are actively growing, apply. Weeds die slowly, and the impacts can take up to three weeks to manifest. To control advanced weeds or specific species of clover, you may need to apply more than once. To reduce spray drift, dilute 400mL from this bottle into 9 litres of water to avoid harming desired garden plants and lawn plants.
How to prepare
- Shake well before connecting the hose to the hose-on applicator. You will need to have a click-on hose connector. Lift plastic flap at front of the applicator.
- Turn on the tap using moderate to high water pressure.
- The water mixes automatically with concentrate in the proper ratio.
- Walk and spray lawn at a steady pace whilst sweeping the spray in a back and forth arc. Overlap treated areas slightly.
- Keep the bottle upright; do not point at the ground.
- Be cautious when applying near garden beds and shrubs.
- Close plastic flap to prevent spillage of any unused product before storing. Always store product upright.
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