Seaweed Extracts: Nature’s Secret to a Thriving Garden

Elevate Your Gardening Game with Top-Grade Seaweed Fertiliser.

Welcome to your ultimate source for high-quality Seaweed Extracts, a natural, effective, and environmentally friendly solution to your gardening needs. With the potency of seaweed at its core, our Seaweed Fertiliser ensures that your plants receive a plethora of nutrients, amino acids, and minerals, propelling them towards unprecedented growth and vitality.

Showing all 19 results

Liquid Seaweed Concentrate


Neutrog Seamungus 10kg


Neutrog Seamungus Liquid Concentrate – 1L

2 reviews $17.99

Seasol Advanced 2L Hose-On RTU


Seasol Foliar Spray – 750mL


Seasol Seaweed Concentrate


Seasol Seaweed Fertiliser Hose-On 2.5L


Seasol Super Soil Wetter & Conditioner


AgroBest Fulfil


AgroBest Seafil


David Grays Liquid Blood & Bone + Seaweed – 500mL


Maxicrop Premium Seaweed + Fertiliser Concentrate


Maxicrop Tomato & Vegetable Seaweed + Fertiliser


Maxicrop Triple Strength Seaweed + Fertiliser Concentrate 600mL


Maxicrop Fruit & Flowers Concentrate 600mL


Amgrow Organix Harvest – Fish & Seaweed Fertiliser


Plant Runner Bio Pellets 3L


Charlie Carp Premium Organic Fertiliser

3 reviews $12.90

Eco-Seaweed Soluble Fertiliser Eco-Organic 600g

3 reviews $26.90

Why Our Seaweed Extracts Stand Out?

  • Rich in Nutrients, Low in Impact: Our Seaweed Fertiliser is packed with essential nutrients that enrich the soil, stimulate root growth, and improve resistance against diseases. Best of all, it’s eco-friendly, reducing your carbon footprint while still maximizing your garden’s potential.
  • Versatility at Its Best: Whether you have a vegetable garden, ornamental plants, or a lawn, our Seaweed Extracts are versatile enough to offer multiple benefits. From conditioning the soil to fortifying plants, it’s an all-in-one solution for proactive gardeners.
  • Easy Application: Applying our Seaweed Fertiliser is a breeze. Available in both liquid and granular form, you can choose the method that best suits your gardening style—spray, drench, or mix with soil.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How often should I use Seaweed Fertiliser? For best results, we recommend applying every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season.
  • Is it organic? Yes, our Seaweed Extracts are 100% organic, promoting both plant health and environmental sustainability.
  • Is Seaweed Fertiliser safe for all plants? Absolutely! Seaweed extracts are gentle on plants and highly effective, making them suitable for a wide range of flora.
What are the Benefits of Seaweed Extract? Seaweed extract offers numerous benefits for both soil and plants:
  • Rich Nutrient Profile: It contains an array of nutrients including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous that are essential for plant growth.
  • Stress Resistance: Seaweed extracts can help plants resist environmental stress factors like drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures.
  • Enhanced Root Development: It aids in root growth, making it easier for plants to absorb nutrients from the soil.
  • Disease Resistance: It contains natural hormones and bioactive compounds that enhance the plant’s immune system, making it less susceptible to diseases.
  • Soil Conditioning: The organic matter in seaweed improves soil structure, thereby enhancing water retention, aeration, and soil fertility.
  • Eco-Friendly: Being organic and sustainable, seaweed extracts are environmentally friendly, contributing to sustainable agriculture.
  • Versatility: Seaweed extract is versatile and can be used for a wide variety of plants including vegetables, flowers, and grasses.
What is Seaweed Extract Made Of? Seaweed extract is derived primarily from marine algae. It contains:
  • Macro Nutrients: Such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
  • Micro Nutrients: Such as iron, copper, zinc, and molybdenum.
  • Vitamins: Like A, C, and E.
  • Hormones: Auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins that promote plant growth and development.
  • Amino Acids: Essential for protein synthesis in plants.
  • Bioactive Compounds: That act as natural pesticides and boost the plant's immune system.
Is Seaweed Extract Effective? Yes, seaweed extract is highly effective for various types of gardening and agricultural applications. Its multi-faceted benefits, ranging from nutrient supply and stress resistance to soil conditioning, make it a go-to choice for many gardeners and farmers. Multiple studies have also documented its effectiveness in enhancing plant growth, yield, and resilience against environmental stresses and diseases. It's not only effective but also a sustainable and eco-friendly option for modern agriculture.