Nesting boxes, also known as birdhouses or wildlife houses, offer a safe and inviting habitat for various species, encouraging them to nest, breed, and contribute to the biodiversity of your surroundings.

These boxes are designed to mimic natural nesting sites that may be scarce in urban or developed areas.

Showing all 30 results

Mr. Fothergill’s Bee House


Brushtail Possum Nesting Box

29 reviews $69.90

Ringtail Possum Nesting Box

5 reviews $59.90

Yellow Bellied Glider Nesting Box


Bee Hotel – Nesting box

2 reviews $79.90

Kookaburra Nesting Box

1 reviews $79.90

Cockatoo Nesting Box


Grey Shrike Thrush Nesting Box


Parrot Nesting Box

13 reviews $64.95

Crimson Rosella Nesting Box

1 reviews $69.00

King Parrot Nesting Box


Kingfisher Nesting Box


Red-Rumped Parrot Nesting Box


Chicken Layer Box

10 reviews $49.90

Wood Duck Nesting Box


Tree Martin Nesting Box


Pygmy Possum Nesting Box

2 reviews $69.90

Sugar & Squirrel Glider Nesting Box – Front Entry

1 reviews $85.90

Sugar & Squirrel Glider Nesting Box – Rear Entry

1 reviews $85.90

Brush Tailed Phascogale Nesting Box


Treecreeper Nesting Box


Owlet Nightjar Nesting Box


Large Forest Owl Nesting Box

1 reviews $399.00

Eastern Barn Owl Nesting Box


Galah Nesting Box

1 reviews $119.00

Pardalote Nesting Box

1 reviews $89.90

Forty Spotted Pardalote Nesting Box

1 reviews $59.90

Four Chamber Bat Nesting Box

1 reviews $199.00

Microbat Nesting Box


Insectivorous Bat Nesting Box

1 reviews $69.90
Our selection of nesting boxes includes different styles and sizes to accommodate different species and their specific nesting requirements. Whether you want to attract colorful songbirds, cavity-nesting birds, owls, bats, or other wildlife, we have a nesting box suitable for your needs. Nesting boxes provide essential shelter for birds and wildlife, especially during breeding seasons. They offer protection from predators, harsh weather conditions, and human disturbances, creating a safe environment for nesting, roosting, and raising offspring. Installing nesting boxes in your backyard, garden, or other outdoor areas can be a rewarding and educational experience. It allows you to observe and support the natural behaviors of birds and other wildlife, while also contributing to their conservation and population growth.