Usually, big trouble around any water bodies, midges or no-see-ums, are small flying insects. Even though they do not transmit any diseases, they do bite and can be quite an annoyance if you live near a water body or moist soil. Products from our range are great at getting rid of midges and take a natural approach to controlling these pests in and around your home.

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Midge Master Insect Trap
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Midge Master Insect Trap

7 reviews $119.90
Mozzie Wristbands - Mozziegear
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Mozzie Wristbands – Mozzigear

7 reviews $8.40
Mozzigear Mosquito Repeller
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Mozzigear Mosquito Repeller

4 reviews $19.90
Usually, big trouble around any water bodies, midges or no-see-ums, are small flying insects. Even though they do not transmit any diseases, they do bite and can be quite an annoyance if you live near a water body or moist soil. Products from our range are great at getting rid of midges and take a natural approach to controlling these pests in and around your home.