The bird deterrents products offered by Pestrol provides a range of solutions for safely and effectively deterring unwanted birds. Whether you’re dealing with pigeons, seagulls, or other types of birds, this category has a variety of deterrents designed to suit your specific needs.

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Each product is engineered to be humane, effective, and easy to use. Pestrol's bird deterrents include options such as bird spikes, bird netting, ultrasonic and sonic devices, visual deterrents, and more. These products are designed to create a barrier to entry for birds and discourage them from perching or roosting on buildings or other structures.

Customers can choose from a selection of deterrent types, including physical barriers, electronic deterrents, and visual deterrents, among others. The range of products available ensures that there is an option to suit different types of bird problems and situations.

In addition to the deterrents themselves, the category also offers various accessories such as bird repellents and bird traps to aid in bird control. With the help of these bird deterrents, customers can effectively and humanely control bird populations without causing harm to themselves or the birds.

How bird deterrents work

  • Bird deterrents use negative stimuli to repel birds, including:
  • Water
  • Sound – both ultrasonic and sonic
  • Visual scarers
  • Physical barriers

Pestrol’s bird deterring products

  • Sonic and ultrasonic sound repellers
  • Anti-bird netting
  • Bird traps
  • Predator bird scarers
  • Water jet repellers
  • Bird repellent tape